
Less Plastic, Shutting Off More Lights and a 3 Month Transition

This February, I made a commitment to help reduce my carbon footprint on the Earth. Ultimately, I decided to focus on two main things- turning off the lights and reducing my use of single-use plastics. I wrote two separate sections, one a month into the change and one now, as the official project is coming to an end. March 13, 2018. Things I have noticed: As I am now about a month into this lifestyle change, I have some observations i n the form of a stream-of-consciousness I thought I was good about shutting lights off before- I was far from perfect. I never went out of my way to shut off all the lights in the classrooms down the hall, and I often would not shut things off if I was coming back in the next hour.  Turning off the lights and the projector and all has become a habit. So much so that I shut the lights off on a coworker who I did not notice was sitting there :D.  While he found it funny, I determined that now that a habit has formed, it is time to employ

Recent Science Reading

My favorite way to engage students after school breaks is to have them look online, find something that happened to them while over break and then write a summary of it. I always frame it as "while on break you might have stoped working but science defiantly did not!". Sometimes I also structure it a bit more and give them guiding questions to help them follow along with the readings better and/or I give them a few specific articles to choose from within a variety of science topics- including conservation! Here is the assignment sheet I handed out by sharing it with them online and telling them to make  a copy of it to work from in their google drive accounts! Recent Science Reading Have fun and share the results with me, I would love to hear what they found!

Graphic Textbook

Hi All! Here is the assignment sheet and rubric for the graphic textbook project- comment with questions or suggestions! The students were challenged to make a graphic textbook to showcase different biomes/ecosystems within the oceans- check out the assignment: Assignment Sheet Rubric Examples from Maris Wicks

Ideas, ideas, ideas

Have any great lessons to share?! Comment on any blog post and I will create a brand new post to highlight it! The more pictures the merrier:)

Hi! Welcome!

Hi and welcome to Conservation Classroom! I am Carissa, a middle school science teacher from Boston and a Masters student with Project Dragonfly at Miami Ohio. I created this page to help educators share the ways in which they are integrating conservation lessons into their classrooms, and create a place to share our successes. I strongly believe that while there is not a "Conservation class" in most schools, the ideas and lessons that are shared through conservation can easily be a part of every class from english to art to science and history. So...let's see what we find!